Florentine typical expressions (part 7)

Yes, it’s part seven of typical florentine expressions :-)

1) nostràle, it means ours, from our places. It is used at the market to indicate a product that is not imported from a foreign country, often produced in our region or city. Quanto costano quei pomodori? Che sono nostrali? (How much are those tomatoes? Are they from our city?).

2) gràtisse, it is a variant of gratis (free of charge). Oggi i musei sono gratisse! (Today the museums are free!).

3) bullétta, it is a variant of chiodo (tack). Ho messo una bulletta alla porta per fissarla! (I put a tack on the door to secure it).

4) partìre, it literally means to go away, but sometimes it means also to slice some food. Parti i’ pane! (Slice the bread!).

5) fare una parte, it literally means to make a part. It means to scold someone. Ha fatto un grande errore, il capo gli ha fatto una parte! (He made a big mistake, the boss scolded him!).

6) sai i’ che?, it means do you know what? It is used at the beginning of a sentence, for example when expressing a desire or an intention. Sai i’ che? Sono stanco, torno a casa! (Do you know what? I am tired, I come back home!).

7) ‘unn’è vero, it means non è vero (it’s not true). It’s very used.

8) ma di che, it means ma di che ringrazi? (for which reason you say thanks?). It is used to say welcome. Grazie per l’aiuto! Ma di che, non c’è problema! (Thank you for the help! Welcome, no problem!).

9) pastràno, it is a variant of giubbòtto (jacket). It usually indicates a winter heavy jacket. Con questo freddo mi ci vuole il pastrano! (With this cold weather I need the heavy jacket!).

10) avere, here it is the florentine conjugation of the verb to have, indicative present.

Io c’ho (io ho, I have).
Te tu c’hai (tu hai, you have).
Lui c’ha (egli ha, he has).
Lei la c’ha (lei ha, she has).
Noi ci s’ha (noi abbiamo, we have).
Voi vu c’avee (voi avete, you have).
Loro c’hanno (essi hanno, they have).

11) essere, here it is the florentine conjugation of the verb to be, indicative present.

Io sono (I am).
Te tu sei (tu sei, you are).
Lui gl’è (lui è, he is).
Lei l’è (lei è, she is).
Noi siamo (we are).
Voi vu siete (voi siete, you are).
Loro sono (essi sono, they are).

12) andare, here it is the florentine conjugation of the verb to go, indicative present.

Io vo (Io vado, I go).
Te tu vai (tu vai, you go).
Egli va (he goes).
Lei la va (lei va, she goes).
Noi si va (noi andiamo, we go).
Voi vu andate (voi andate, you go).
Loro vanno (essi vanno, they go).

13) vorsùto, it is a variant of voluto (wanted). ‘Un ero d’accordo, ma loro gl’hanno vorsuto così! (I did not agree, but they wanted this way!).

14) riscóntro, it means draught. Questa è una porta a prova di riscontro! (This is a draught proofing door!).

15) fare un casino dell’ottanta, it means to make an eighty mess, in the sense to make a big confusion or noise. Ottanta is used to strengthen the sentence. Gl’ha fatto un casino dell’ottanta! (He made a huge mess!).

16) un monte, it literally means a mountain, in the sense a lot. C’ha un monte di problemi! (He has so many problems!). Non la disturbare, la c’ha un monte da fare! (Don’t disturb her, she has a lot to do!). Ci s’ha un monte di lavoro! (We have a lot of work!).

17) grèmbio, it is a variant of grembiule (apron). Usa il grembio per cucinare! (Put the apron for cooking!).

18) aspettàre a glòria, it means to wait for glory. It is used in the sense to look forward for someone/something, often with impatience. Aspetto a gloria il giorno in cui diventerai il Presidente della società! (I am looking forward the day you’ll become the President of the society!).

19) giùe, it means giù (down, below). It is used as an exclamation to express surprise, regret or approval. Giùe! E piove anche oggi! (Here we go again! It rains today too!).

20) impiantìto, it is a variant of pavimento (floor). It is used to indicate the floor of the house. Hai pulito l’impiantito? (Did you clean the floor?).

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