Florentine typical expressions (part 2)

Ok, here we are for a new series of florentine typical expressions. Just to impress your italian audience. ;-)

1) diàmine, it means certainly, surely. Vi siete ricordati di prenotare per cena? Diamine! (Did you remember to make a dinner reservation? Surely!).

2) diànzi, it means very recently. Indeed it’s used to indicate an event that occurred a few minutes ago. Dianzi sono stato al supermercato ma è ancora chiuso. Riproverò più tardi (a few minutes ago I have gone to the supermarket but it is still closed. I’ll try later).

3) fare le faccende, it means to do household chores. Stai facendo le faccende? Sì, sto pulendo la sala da pranzo ora (are you doing household chores? Yes, I am cleaning the dining room now).

4) fare fórca, literally to make fork. It means to cut class (school). Note that in other italian regions they use totally different expressions, this is very typically florentine and couldn’t be understood outside Tuscany. Oggi fanno forca perché non hanno fatto i compiti di matematica! (Today they cut class because they didn’t math homework!).

5) essere di fòri [fòri = fuori, out], it literally means to be (= extending) outwards like a terrace. It is used to jokingly indicate a crazy person that is out of mind. È completamente briaco! L’è di fori come un terrazzo! (He is completely drunk! He is outwards like a terrace!).

6) dare di fòri, similar to point #5, but less used.

7) buttarla di fòri, literally to throw it out. It means to make a mistake. L’hai buttata di fori, oggi è mercoledì, il negozio è chiuso! You made a mistake, today is wednesday, the store is closed!

8) garbare, it means to like. It is used for foods, but also for things in general. Mi garba questa bistecca! Mi garba quel computer! I like this steak! I like that computer! A common variant is mi garba di molto that means I like it very much. Another nice variant is questa la mi garba (I like this one) or codesta la mi garba (I like that one), used to indicate surprise or disagreement, in an ironic sense, for a situation. Questa la mi garba! Non abbiamo corrente, ci sono dei lavori in corso. (I like this! We have no electricity, there are works in progress). Corrente is an abbreviation for corrente elettrica (electric current). The past participle of the verb is garbato (or garbata for females). It is used to generically indicate the bad disposition of a person, for example someone who is miser, not friendly, not ready to help his/her friends. Non abbiamo la macchina per andare al mare, pensi che ci potrebbe accompagnare lei? Stai scherzando? L’è garbata! (We don’t have the car to go to the beach [literally, to the sea], do you think that she could give us a lift? Are you joking! She is miser [literally, liked]!). Variant: garbata lei!

9) essere gigliato, it is used to indicate a very stupid or negligent person, someone who made a very big naive mistake, or generally who causes damage (often without thinking or not carefully pondering things). Guarda come è sporca la tua stanza! Sei sporco, proprio gigliato! (Look how dirty is your room! You are dirty, proper certified!). It derives from giglio (the lily symbol of Florence), perhaps in the sense of a stamp or certification assigned to the negative quality you are referring to.

10) gingillàrsi (similar to stare a candire), it means to dawdle, to waste time (or to be late), while doing unuseful things (or nothing), to spend time idly. It derives from gingillo, a thing or toy with no evident utility. Non c’è tempo per gingillarsi, aiutami! (There’s no time to dawdle, help me!).

11) fare una cosa di giorno, it literally means to make a day-thing. It means to hurry up. Ti aspetto qui, fai una cosa di giorno! (I wait you here, hurry up!).

12) spicciàrsi, it is a synonym of sbrigarsi, affrettarsi (to hurry up). Sei in ritardo, spìcciati! (You are late, hurry up!).

13) girellóne, it derives from giro (tour). It is used to indicate a dynamic person who loves to travel and to see every place. È stato a Parigi il mese scorso, è un girellone! (He was in Paris last month, he is a travelaholic!).

14) fare un giro pèsca, it means to make a trip longer than necessary to go somewhere (or to return to the starting point). It can be used in a figurative sense, to indicate an uselessly reasoning that leads to the starting point. Ha fatto un giro pesca, 10 km più del necessario! (He did a longer trip, 10 km more than necessary!).

15) imbrodolàrsi, it means to dirty yourself, especially while cooking or eating. Ho mangiato i maccheroni al pomodoro e mi sono imbrodolato la maglia! (I ate the maccheroni al pomodoro and I dirtied my shirt!).

16) impazzàre, it is a variant of impazzire, to get crazy. It is often used in a joking sense. O che sei impazzato? O, did you become crazy? It is also used to indicate a strong passion for something. Gl’impazza pe’ i’ calcio! (he is crazy for the soccer!). It is also used to indicate a failure in doing the mayonnaise, if you add too much oil when mixing the eggs (oil must be added gradually, few at a time) you lose the correct glue in the compound, and you risk to not be able to recover it. Ha fatto impazzare la maionese! (Literally, he made crazy the mayonnaise!). La maionese è impazzata! (The mayonnaise got crazy!).

17) in dove, it literally means “in where”, “in” is used to strengthen the adverb. Sono stato a cena al ristorante ieri. In dove? (I had dinner at the restaurant yesterday. Where?). It is also abbreviated in indóe. Indoe tu se’ stato? (Where have you been?).

18) introgolàrsi, it is a synonym of imbrodolarsi. Trogolone is used to indicate a person who is (or make) dirty when cooking or eating. Guarda com’è sporca la tavola! L’è un trogolone! (Look how dirty is the table, he is dirty!).

19) leticàre, it is a variant of litigare (to quarrel). Fermateli, stanno leticando! (stop them, they are quarreling!). A leticàta is a quarrel. Ho fatto una leticata con loro (I had a quarrel with them).

20) lòia, it means dirt. Guarda che loia sul pavimento! (Look how much dirt on the floor!).

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