It’s time for part eight of Florentine typical expressions!
1) ‘un se ne pòle più, it means we can’t take it anymore (it’s enough). Pole in florentine is the third singular person of the verb potére (can). Spèngi la televisione, è tardi, non se ne pole più! (Turn off the tv, it’s late, it’s enough for us!).
2) bellìco, it is a variant for ombelìco (navel). It is a very joking variant, so don’t use it when talking with your doctor.
3) lìcitte, it’s the bathroom. Note that this is an ancient expression used by nonni: this is extremely florentine and the youth could not understand that! If you use it with elderly florentine people you will surely surprise them with your incredible florentine culture. E vo a’ i’ licitte! (I go to the bathroom!).
3) imbacuccàto, it means heavily dressed. Indeed it is used to indicate someone who is dressed with heavy clothes. Fa molto freddo, guarda come s’è imbacuccata! (It’s very cold, look how she is heavily dressed!).
4) da’ retta nini, literally obey to me baby. Da’ retta nini, stammi a sentire! (come on baby! Listen to me!). You can use it when you want to say pay attention to someone who is not following your requests. This is very informal, use only with your friends.
5) ambrogétte, it is an old variant of mattonelle (tiles). It is used only by nonni.
6) indòsso, it means addosso (on). It is used to indicate when you put on some clothes. Oggi i’ tempo gl’è variabile, ‘un so i’ che mettimi indosso! (today the weather is variable, I don’t know what to put on!). Méttimi is a contraction of mettermi (to put on me).
7) guastàto, it literally means damaged. It is used to indicate a spoiled food or weather. I’ tempo s’è guastato, fra poco pioverà! (the weather is getting worse, it’s going to rain!).
8) dare i’ cencio, it means to scrub the floor. Guarda come gl’è sudicio! E voglio dare i’ cencio! (Look how it’s dirty! I want to scrub the floor!).
9) àndito, it is the entrance (lobby) of the house. Oggi pulisco l’andito (today I clean the lobby).
10) sbacchiàre, it is used to indicate when doors or shutters are slamming (especially due to the wind). Chiudi la porta, e tira vento, sennò la sbacchia! (close the door, the wind blows, otherwise it will slam!).
11) mettersi a diacére, it means to lie. Sono troppo stanco, mi metto a diacere ni’ letto! (I am too tired, I lie down on the bed).
12) ‘un si frigge mica con l’acqua, literally we don’t fry with water. It is used when you want to indicate that you are doing or did something carefully and professionally. Guarda come l’ha riparato! Un si frigge mica con l’acqua! (Look how he repaired it! We don’t fry with water!).
13) m’hanno bell’e appinzào, this is another nonni expression. It is used to indicate when you are punctured by a mosquito. Maledette zanzare! Le m’hanno bell’e appinzao! [contraction of appinzato] (Damned the mosquitos! They just punctured me!).
14) c’è la brinata!, it indicates when there is a morning with hoarfrost. Oggi gl’è freddo! E ce la brinaha! [contraction of brinata] (today it’s cold! There is hoarfrost!).
15) bubbolare da’ i’ freddo, it means to shiver with cold. Che freddo oggi! E si bubbola da’ i’ freddo! (what a cold today! We shiver with cold!).
16) un freddo cane, the word cane (dog) is used to indicate a very cold day. E nevica! Fa un freddo cane! (It’s snowing! It’s very cold!).
17) alle porte co’ sassi, literally at the doors with the stones. It is used to indicate that you are late or near a decisive moment. Studia, domani tu c’hai l’esame! Tu sei alle porte co’ sassi! (Study! Tomorrow you have the exam, you are at the decisive moment!).
18) l’hai voluta la bicicletta? O pedala!, it means did you want the bicycle? Pedal! A variant is l’hai vorsuta la bicicletta? O pedala!.
19) comodàre, it means to be useful. Guarda questo giubbotto, che ti comoda? (look this jacket, is it useful for you?).
20) scalmanàto, it is used to indicate a restless, upset, nervous person. Datti una calmata, tu se’ troppo scalmanato! [variants scarmanàto, scarmanàho] (keep calm, you are too agitated!).